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5th Regional Conference - 2008
Date: Sunday 8 June 2008 - Wednesday 11 June 2008
Location: Seoul, Korea
Seoul, Korea, June 2008, 5th Regional Conference:
"Economic Growth and Corporate Crime: Sharing Experiences"
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The 5th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference will take place in Seoul, Korea on 8-11 June 2008. The subject of the conference will be “Economic Growth and Corporate Crime: Sharing Experiences.” It is a commonly shared and unique subject among Asian countries where rapid economic growth is under way or has reached its maturity. Therefore, we believe this Conference will be a wonderful occasion for Asia-Pacific countries.
In advancing the Asia-Pacific Regional Conferences, the target participants will be expanded to 150, and great efforts are being taken to ensure good regional spread of participants. Especially, participants from the Middle East, South Asia, and South East Asia are encouraged. Also, along with the conference, Korea is preparing a High Level Prosecutors’ Meeting, which would take place in both Seoul and Jeju Island. Networking of Prosecution Services in the Asia-Pacific region will be discussed in this Meeting.
This Conference will be a great experience for the Asian-Pacific countries to come together and share many great experiences. Diverse participants from all parts of Asia would be able to promote closer relationship and cooperation within the region.
The fee of the conference is 100 USD. Various accommodations are being arranged including those at a reasonable price. Moreover, up to 20 junior prosecutors will be provided with grant program by the Prosecution Service of Korea. Any questions about the conditions and arrangements regarding the grant program will be welcomed at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of Korea (iapkorea@spo.go.kr).
If you wish to attend the conference, or if you intend to send a member of your staff to the conference, please contact the Secretary General (sg@iap-association.org) or the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of Korea (iapkorea@spo.go.kr).