IAP Award Committee

In accordance with article 6a of the IAP Protocol regarding Awards and decorations, the Awards Committee shall consist of five members appointed by the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee may appoint its members, members of the Senate and other members. The Chair of the Awards Committee shall be a member of the Executive Committee. Members shall serve for a term of three years and shall be eligible for reappointment once. After the approval of this protocol, the Executive Committee shall appoint all five members for a first term. The Executive Committee may decide to vary the length of the first term to create a balanced permanent cycle of appointments of the Awards Committee. When a member of the Awards Committee leaves his or her's position in the Executive Committee, his or her’s term as member of the Awards Committee shall also end. Three members are required for a quorum.

Since September 2018, the IAP Award Committee comprises: 

  • Kathleen Roussel, Canada (Chair)

  • Michael Lauber, Switzerland

  • Satyajit Boolell, Mauritius

  • Najef Yusuf Mahmood, Bahrain

  • Alexander Zvyagintsev, Russian Federation (Senate) elected in April 2019

  • Luis Cevasco, Argentina (Special Award Advisor)

and Secretary-General Han Moraal (Honorary Secretary).

The Awards and decoration Protocol can be accessed here

Honorary Membership to former Prosecutor General, Korea, Mr. Joon Gyu Kim