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Webinar: Supporting the global fight against grand corruption: An introduction to the International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre

Date: Tuesday 28 January 2025 - Tuesday 28 January 2025

Location: Online webinar

Speakers:            Michael Petkov, Deputy Head, IACCC, National Crime Agency
                                 Grace Wood, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), RCMP Embed at the IACCC
Facilitator:           Shenaz Muzaffer, General Counsel, International Association of Prosecutors
The IACCC brings together specialist law enforcement officers from multiple agencies around the world to tackle allegations of grand corruption, including the bribery of public officials, embezzlement, abuse of function, and the laundering of the proceeds of crime. The IACCC aims to provide coordinated support for law enforcement agencies by collating and disseminating real time intelligence, with a focus on the identification of assets, accounts and money flows suspected to be connected to allegations of grand corruption. The IACCC is hosted by the UK’s National Crime Agency and became operational in July 2017.
The capabilities of the IACCC include (i) intelligence sharing through a Joint Working Platform (ii) intelligence development (iii) dissemination of composite information packages to overseas partners (iv) providing an enhanced picture of international grand corruption and (v) coordinating capacity building and mentoring for partners and participants specific to grand corruption.
The following law enforcement agencies are participants of the IACCC: Australian Federal Police, New Zealand Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau of the Republic of Singapore, UK’s National Crime Agency, USA’s Federal Bureau of Investigations, US Department of Homeland Security, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and US Homeland Security Investigations.  Regular support to the IACCC is provided by Interpol.  Associate members are agencies or units that the IACCC has had a historical operational relationship with and represent jurisdictions with significant financial sectors, providing a significant opportunity to gather information to the investigations that the IACCC is supporting. The 14 current associate members are: Bermuda Police Service, Cayman Islands Anti-Corruption Commission, Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, Gibraltar Financial Intelligence Unit, Guernsey Financial Intelligence Unit, Isle of Man Financial Intelligence Unit, Jersey Financial Intelligence Unit, Malta Financial Intelligence Unit, Mauritius Financial Intelligence Unit, Mauritius Independent Commission Against Corruption, New Zealand’s Serious Fraud Office, Seychelles Anti-Corruption Commission, Seychelles Financial Intelligence Unit and Turks and Caicos Integrity Commission.
This webinar will enable attendees to better understand the work of the IACCC in the fight against corruption and bribery, and the ways in which prosecutors may be able to utilise the IACCC to support investigations and prosecutions into such cases.  It will underpin the importance to prosecutors of early and constructive engagement and liaison with law enforcement agencies and centres and provide real-life case examples to demonstrate the operational impact of the work of the IACCC.
This 75-minute webinar will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided. However, attendees can access live automated translated captions via the Zoom platform during the webinar.  All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members.
Please note that this webinar will be recorded.
For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at epm@iap-association.org
We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!