18th Annual Conference - 2013
Date: Sunday 8 September 2013 - Thursday 12 September 2013
Moscow, The Russian Federation (World Trade Center)
Please note: The procedure for obtaining official visas is set out under travel information on conference website - we urge you to apply as soon as possible to ensure your entry. Deadline for visa application assistance from our host is 20 August 2013!
Conference period: 8 - 12 September 2013
Conference theme: "The Prosecutor and the Rule of Law"
Conference website: www.iap2013.ru
Registration fee: 810 EUR (Full Cost)
Russia is a country with centuries-old history, situated in East Europe and North Asia. Territory of this country is the largest in the world, occupying 1/8 part of the earth. There are more than 143 million people living in Russia being representatives of 200 nationalities and ethnic groups.
Russia is a state with federal form of government, uniting 83 federal constituencies with equal rights Moscow is the capital of Russia, it was founded in 1147. Several international airports and railway stations facilitate easy access to Moscow for the people from all over the world.
Moscow is a large cultural and historical centre. Tourists are steadily attracted by Russian historic landmarks, a number of which are included in the List of UNESCO World Heritage.
Going to Moscow theatres makes an indelible impression on visitors of the capital. The Russian ballet is well-known all over the world.
The beginning of September is called "wives' summer" or "golden summer" in Russia. Warm and sunny weather usually prevails in this period, glorified by many poets, which will make our guests' stay in Moscow very comfortable.
Conference Theme: “The Prosecutor and the Rule of Law”
Human Rights and the Principle of Equality, essential ingredients in upholding the Rule of Law by Prosecutors
The position of the prosecutor within Society and relations with other relevant actors
Essential ethical standards for prosecutors - hot to assure integrity
The three subthemes are not exhaustive and will be examined within the context of the prosecutor’s role within and outside the criminal justice field.
The preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 describes it as ‘essential, if man is not compelled to have recourse, as a last result, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law’.
But what does the Rule of Law actually mean? What is its scope? Does it both protect and liberate? How does it apply both at the national and international level? Are there some universal principles we can agree to?
It is widely accepted that economic growth, trade and investment is largely dependent on the existence of a robust, fair, clear and predictable legal system. Fairness denotes equality before the law and also adequate protection for human rights and fair trials.
How does The Rule of Law apply to prosecutors at an operational level? - for example in the use of prosecutorial discretion, the increasing prominence of diversionary schemes away from court and the increase of alternative dispute resolution procedures and regulatory and self regulatory processes.
Is the separation of powers from the Executive and Political influence non negotiable for prosecutors when asserting the Rule of Law? How important is the relationship between the prosecutor and the police and victims to upholding the Rule of Law? What about relations with the Courts?
Is transparency and impartiality in decision making and appointment and promotion processes within prosecution services an essential ingredient in the Rule of Law? Do prosecutors need to be visibly held to account for transgressions or ethical breaches?
The Rule of Law requires state compliance at a national and also at an international level - however does this compromise state sovereignty?
Prominence will also be given to those aspects of criminality addressed within the IAP specialist websites: cyber crime through GPEN (The Global Prosecutors E Crime Network); International Criminal Justice - FICJ (the Forum for International Criminal Justice), Human Trafficking-TIPP (The Trafficking in Persons Platform).
The Conference will provide a further opportunity to develop the IAP/UNODC Manual for Prosecutors ‘a Handbook on the ‘Status and Role of Prosecutors’ which will be a reference book for the standards and values to be applied internationally in all legal systems by prosecutors in all phases of their professional work. The handbook will be limited to the work of prosecutors within the criminal field, but the conference may present an opportunity for prosecutors to start formulating guidelines for prosecutors operating outside the criminal field. There will be a specific workshop dedicated to the Rule of Law and the role of the prosecutor outside the criminal justice field.
All these issues and more, such as the operation of the Rule of Law to acts of terrorism and International Criminal Justice and transitional post conflict justice, can be discussed debated and explored during the conference, the expectation being that some concrete recommendations and conclusions will emerge.
As in recent years there will be the opportunity to network both formally and informally and designated rooms will be made available for private meetings between delegations.
A series of ‘special interest group’ (SIG) meetings have been arranged on the first and third day. If you wish to participate or suggest agenda items please contact following IAP members who will be facilitating the SIGMs;
1st Day - 9th September 2013
Heads of Prosecution Services: Satyajit Boolell SC, DPP Mauritius, sboolell@mail.gov.mu
Prosecutor Associations:
Rick Woodburn President Canadian Association of Crown Counsels woodbuer@gov.ns.ca and Wendy Stephens IAP Vice President North America wendy.stephen@gov.bc.ca
Francophone Jurisdictions: Sabin Ouellet, Chief Prosecutor, Quebec, sabin.ouellet@dpcp.gouv.qc.ca
Prosecutors dealing in Piracy: Lars Munk Plum, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Denmark: lmp@ankl.dk
Prosecutors Exchange Programme: Nicola Mahaffy, Crown Prosecutor, Canada, Nicola.Mahaffy@gov.bc.ca
3rd Day - 11th September
IAP contact persons: Janne Holst Hubner, IAP Communication Manager, ed@iap-association.org
GPEN : Han Moraal, GPEN Committee.
War Crimes: Serge Brammertz and Siri Frigaard, Chief Prosecutor, Norway, siri.frigaard@statsadvokatene.no
Small Islands and small jurisdictions: Rory Field, DPP Bermuda, rfield@gov.bm
Trafficking in Persons: Elizabeth Howe, General Counsel IAP elizabeth.howe@cps.gsi.gov.uk
Those wishing to contribute to the conference programme as speakers, chairs, rapporteurs, facilitators- should contact IAP General Counsel Elizabeth Howe –preferably no later than 1 July. (elizabeth.howe@cps.gsi.gov.uk)