The role of FATF in combatting money laundering and terrorist financing
4 Dec 2024, 14:00
Training Type
Economic Crimes and Asset Recovery Network
Economic Crimes and Asset Recovery Network

1. Sofia Ramirez, Policy analyst AML-CFT, Risk and Data Unit, Financial Action Task Force
Title of presentation: Enhancing Global Cooperation: FATF’s role in combating money laundering and terrorist financing
2. Maarten Pijls, Senior National Advisor on CFT Prosecutions and Sanctions, National Prosecution Service, Netherlands
Title of presentation: Experience from prosecution involved in FATF
3. Yiwen Ng, Policy Analyst, Financial Crime and Anti-Corruption Centre, INTERPOL
Title of presentation: INTERPOL’s multi-faceted collaboration with the FATF
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog. It sets international standards that aim to prevent these illegal activities and the harm they cause to society. The FATF Recommendations ensure a co-ordinated global response to prevent organised crime, corruption and terrorism. They help authorities go after the money of criminals dealing in illegal drugs, human trafficking and other crimes. The FATF carries out research into evolving methods and trends to assist countries in identifying, assessing and understanding their money laundering and terrorist financing risks. Once these risks are properly understood, countries will be able to implement more effective measures to mitigate the risks. The FATF also monitors countries to ensure they implement the FATF Standards fully and effectively.
This webinar will examine the FATF’s role in combatting money laundering and terrorist financing through enhancing global cooperation, and will also give perspectives from both law enforcement and a prosecutor in relation to their engagement with the FATF to ensure effective collaboration.
This webinar will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided. However, attendees can access live automated translated captions via the Zoom platform during the webinar. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.
The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members.
For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at epm@iap-association.org
We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!