• IAP Financial Review Committee
  • IAP Granting Programme
  • IAP Awards
  • IAP Awards Committee
  • IAP Prosecutors Exchange Programme
  • Cooperation and Collaboration with Others
  • UN Special Consultative Status
  • IAP Documentation
  • IAP Constitution
  • Key projects and deliveries

    Since the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) was established in June 1995, its target has been to improve and strengthen the international cooperation between prosecutors, by supporting the pace and the efficiency in which crucial information and data are exchanged. Throughout the years, the IAP demonstrated strong commitment to setting and raising the standards of professional conduct and ethics for prosecutors worldwide, and to promote the rule of law, fairness, impartiality, and respect for human rights.

    Main focus areas and programmes

    First, to safeguard the role of the prosecutor and his/her role as a legal officer, the IAP actively advocates the functional independence and legal accountability of prosecutors and develops practical responses to challenges as they arise globally. Furthermore, the IAP monitors threats to the safety and security of prosecutors and supports the development of practical strategies for relevant authorities to respond to these threats. The IAP also manages a worldwide programme for prosecutors in difficulty. The IAP responds to prosecutors’ requests for assistance when they report being victims of violations of professional standards of prosecutors and/or other legal instruments.
    Second, the IAP builds and maintains worldwide communities for prosecutors to share experience and challenges in a trusting professional environment.  Through annual conferences and regional meetings,  trainings  and workshops,  the  IAP routinely brings together frontline prosecutors, specialists and heads of prosecution services. Through our rapidly growing online network, the IAP provides a digital database of prosecution contact points and specialists in a constantly increasing range of crime areas.
    Third,  the  IAP produces the world’s leading statements of professional standards of prosecution, as well as best practices and guidelines in different areas of crime. The IAP also facilitates specialized learning programmes in international criminal justice. Some areas we are currently focusing on are mutual legal assistance, counter-terrorism investigations and prosecutions, cybercrime, financial crime, trafficking in human beings and conflict-related sexual violence.
    Our conferences, seminars and events are designed to foster cooperation and networking amongst prosecutors with all kinds of expertise and backgrounds.