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UNESCO Draft Guidelines for the Use of AI Systems in Courts and Tribunals


UNESCO’s recent survey of judicial operators worldwide has highlighted a significant lack of institutional guidance and training on the use of AI systems.  In response, UNESCO, in collaboration with international experts, has developed draft Guidelines for AI use in Courts and Tribunals.  The guidelines, shaped by the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of AI, aim to ensure AI technologies are integrated into judicial systems in a way that upholds justice, human rights and the rule of law.

The findings of the survey can be found at https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000389786
The draft Guidelines can be found at https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000390781 

UNESCO invite IAP members to review the Guidelines and to share any feedback via the form at https://forms.microsoft.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=Uq5PHbM5-kuwswIpVrERlGyDhI2FxRtEoFdD5uX792NUQkk1RUdXVFlHR1AxMUhLMVlRNTdQNE4yRS4u

The feedback form is open until 05 September 2024.  UNESCO will publish the finalised Guidelines in English, French and Spanish towards the end of 2024.