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Opportunity for IAP members to contribute to an independent analysis of the UNTOC


The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) is an independent civil society organization, headquartered in Geneva, dedicated to putting in place the building blocks for an inclusive global strategy against transnational organized crime.  Its Network of Experts consists of more than 700 individuals from law enforcement, the judiciary, international organizations, governments, civil society and academia.  Its Secretariat consists of more than 100 staff working around the world in regional observatories and global policy roles.  More information on GI-TOC can be found here - https://globalinitiative.net/
The GI-TOC is currently undertaking an independent analysis of the implementation and impact of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC).  The UNTOC has been in force since 2003, but its implementation review mechanism (IRM) was only launched in 2020 and has yet to produce any country reviews.  In addition, there is limited public information available on the impact that the UNTOC has had on disrupting transnational criminal networks.  The GI-TOC is interested in views and experiences from prosecutors around the world with regard to their views and experiences on the use and impact of the UNTOC. If would like to share your views with the GI-TOC to help inform their analysis, or if you would like more information about this exercise, please contact ian.tennant@globalinitiative.net.  Resources that they have developed on the UNTOC can be accessed here - https://untochub.globalinitiative.net/