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Further Call for Speakers - Annual Conference, Baku, Azerbaijan


The 29th Annual Conference and General Meeting will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 29 September – 02 October.

We would like to thank all IAP members who have previously submitted abstracts in response to the Call for Speakers.  We still have vacancies for speakers for some of the plenary sessions, workshops, Specialist Network Sessions and Special Interest Sessions and so we are again inviting any IAP member who would like to deliver a presentation during one of those sessions to submit an abstract for consideration by the Professional Programme Committee and the IAP.
We still have vacancies for speakers at the following conference sessions:
* Workshop 2B:  Transparency and public confidence in the criminal justice system.  We are particularly interested in presentations that consider the use of metrics and data to improve transparency and public confidence.  Full details of the content of this session can be found at https://events.eventact.com/iap/36496/WebSitePage/uploads/IAP_Call_for_Speakers_-_Baku_2024_-_final.pdf?webid=31297485956
* Plenary 3:  The role of the prosecutor in upholding the rule of law in the digital age – challenges and responses.  A presentation that considers recent Council of Europe developments in this field would be particularly welcome, but we are also seeking presentations from other jurisdictions.  Full details of the content of this session can be found at https://events.eventact.com/iap/36496/WebSitePage/uploads/IAP_Call_for_Speakers_-_Baku_2024_-_final.pdf?webid=31297485956
* Workshop 3A:  Ensuring transparency, accountability and data protection in the framework of digital evidence and AI usage.  Full details of the content of this session can be found at https://events.eventact.com/iap/36496/WebSitePage/uploads/IAP_Call_for_Speakers_-_Baku_2024_-_final.pdf?webid=31297485956
If you are interested in applying to be a speaker at any of the above sessions, please send the following information to iapspeakers@iap-association.org:
- Full name and job title;
- A short description of the proposed presentation;
- Confirmation of the session that the proposed presentation relates to;
- Confirmation of the language in which you will deliver the presentation.
In addition, we have vacancies on some of the Special Interest Group Sessions and Specialist Network Sessions.  The exact theme/content for these sessions has not been decided yet.  However, if you have a particular interest and expertise in any of the below topics, please send an Expression of Interest via email to iapspeakers@iap-association.org, giving your name, job title, and a very short paragraph about your interest and experience in the particular subject area, and we will contact you if we would like to discuss your potential participation further:
* Special Interest Session on prosecuting gender-based violence (including domestic violence) cases. 
* Specialist Network Session on counter-terrorism offences.
* Special Interest Session on the role of the prosecutor in prosecuting environmental crime cases.
* Special Interest Session / training session on the use of AI within the criminal justice system.
Please note that the time limit for a presentation is 10-12 minutes.  All speakers must register for the conference and pay the registration fee.
The deadline for submission of abstracts and Expressions of Interest is FRIDAY 12 JULY 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact gc@iap-association.org
Many thanks