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Call for Speakers - IAP Regional Conference - Hong Kong


The 11th IAP Asia and Pacific Regional Conference will take place in Hong Kong from 27-29 November 2024.

The theme for the conference is Effective Prosecution Service in the Technological Age.
The sub-themes are:
i.  Updating and modernising the armoury – the need, the challenges, the effect and sharing of experience in law reform to combat technology crime
ii.  Rising above the changing landscape and challenges of decentralisation in the technological age – from social media, DeFi to virtual assets
iii.  Experience-sharing in prosecuting cyber offences – obtaining and handling digital evidence
iv.  Digital transformation of the court and the prosecution office – the impact of technological advancements on criminal evidence and procedure
v.  Strengthening international cooperation through mutual legal assistance in criminal matters and tackling new challenges.
The IAP and the Professional Programme Committee are inviting proposals from all IAP members who are interested in giving a presentation during the plenary sessions of the conference to submit an abstract for consideration for inclusion in the programme by the Professional Programme Committee.  The Regional Conference is open to all IAP members, regardless of which IAP region you are based in, and the themes of the conference impact on all jurisdictions worldwide.
Please find full details of the plenary sessions here.  Please also note the guidance on how to submit an abstract and details about what must be included in your submission on page 2. Full details can also be found on the IAP website. The conference website and registrations will open in July 2024.
Proposals must be submitted to iap2024@doj.gov.hk. The deadline for submissions is Friday 16 August 2024.
We look forward to receiving your abstracts!