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Webinar: Collaboration Between Airbnb and Judicial Authorities - Strengthening Cooperation for a Safer Community

Date: Monday 8 July 2024 - Monday 8 July 2024

Location: Platform: Zoom


1. St. Julien, Lead Counsel, Community Trust, Airbnb
2. Bridgette Arnold, Senior Manager for Global Law Enforcement Operations and Liaison, Airbnb
3. Andre Silva, Global Trust Partnerships Manager, Airbnb
Facilitator: Shenaz Muzaffer, General Counsel, International Association of Prosecutors
Airbnb, Inc. (Airbnb) is an American-based public company, founded in 2008, which operates an online marketplace for short-term and long-term homestays, directly or through its subsidiaries or related entities. On any given night, around two million people stay in homes on Airbnb in 100,000 cities around the world. Airbnb has more than seven million listings listed on it, in 200 countries and regions. 
In this presentation, we will delve into the principles and practices that guide Airbnb's collaboration with judicial authorities and law enforcement agencies. IAP members will gain insights into the different levels of cooperation, legal requirements for obtaining data from Airbnb, and the positive impact of establishing strong partnerships.
The presentation will begin with an introduction to Airbnb's core principles on cooperating with judicial authorities. We will highlight the importance of maintaining a safe and trusted community, which necessitates effective collaboration with law enforcement. Attendees will learn about the various levels of cooperation, including responses to subpoenas, police requests, and emergency situations.
Next, we will focus on the Airbnb Law Enforcement Portal, a crucial tool in facilitating collaboration. The portal enables streamlined communication and ensures adherence to legal requirements specific to different regions. We will delve into the portal's functionalities, emphasising how it simplifies the process of information exchange while respecting privacy laws and data protection.
To provide a comprehensive understanding of cooperation, the presentation will feature real-life success stories. These examples will illustrate the positive outcomes and impact of a strong partnership between Airbnb and judicial authorities in resolving cases, ensuring justice, and enhancing community safety. The success stories will underscore Airbnb's commitment to proactive cooperation and its dedication to supporting the work of prosecutors.
This one-hour webinar will be held in English via Zoom and no interpretation will be provided. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is open to all IAP organisational and individual members.
For more details, please contact Ms. Irina Beridze, Executive Programme Manager of the IAP, at epm@iap-association.org.
We look forward to welcoming you at the webinar!