Monday, 24 November 2014
Welcome Addresses
Gerhard Jarosch, President of the IAP
Plenary 1: The use of technology to improve prosecution service
Hind Hassan Abdul Rahim Al Zarouni, Senior Director of IT Department, Dubai Public Prosecution, Dubai, UAE
Francois Falletti, Prosecutor General, Court of Appeal, Paris, France
Askhat Daulbayev, Prosecutor General, Kazakhstan
Heekwan Kim, High Chief Prosecutor, Korea
1st. Session of SIGM
Prosecution Heads - Facilitator: Brian Saunders, DPP, Canada
Discriminatory Crime - Facilitator: Thomas Burrows, Senior Counsel for Multilateral Matters, Office of the International Affairs, US Department of Justice, USA
SIGM Report by Runar Torgersen, Senior Public Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Norway
Special Achievement Award Ms. Phyllis Vorster, South Africa on behalf of "The Prosecution Team of the Boeremag Case"