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21st IAP Annual Conference - 2016
Date: Sunday 11 September 2016 - Thursday 15 September 2016
Dublin, Ireland
Conference venue: Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland
Conference period: 11 – 15 September 2016
Conference theme: “The Prosecutor and the Investigator”
Conference website: www.iapdublin2016.com
The theme for the conference is the relationship between the prosecutor and the investigator. This is a very important relationship which has evolved over time. Different models exist in various jurisdictions around the world. The conference will provide an opportunity to share best practice in managing the various elements of this relationship. Sub-themes which will be considered at the conference include:
Relationship between Prosecutor and Investigator
Best practice in managing investigator / prosecutor relationships – differing international models
Non-police investigators – working with regulatory and other specialised investigation agencies
Examining how investigators and prosecutors can acquire a better understanding of each other’s requirements
Joint investigation teams and other cross jurisdictional measures – experiences from an international perspective
Independence in directing investigations and making prosecutorial decisions
Maintaining ethical standards: requirements for investigators and prosecutors
Advising during the investigation phase
Admissibility of evidence
Case Management from investigation to conclusion of trial:
Gathering Evidence: challenges for prosecutor and investigator
Managing the challenges of investigating and prosecuting complex financial crimes
The use of technical experts
Following the evidence from investigation to trial
A preliminary outline programme is now available. Please click here to download.