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IAP Prosecutorial Guidelines for Cases of Concurrent Jurisdiction


Making the decision "Which Jurisdiction Should Prosecute?"

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​The IAP is pleased to announce the release of new Prosecutorial Guidelines for Cases of Concurrent Jurisdiction, in support of our efforts to promote cooperation among prosecutors from around the world. They are confined to criminal offences and aim to assist prosecutor practitioners address some of the challenges arising from the globalisation of crime and cross-border criminality. The issue of concurrency has arisen frequently at regional and international IAP events and an outcome of the 14th IAP Annual Conference in The Hague, Netherlands in 2009 was to collate various standards, guidelines, case law and Memoranda Of Understanding (MOUs) on concurrent jurisdiction and then draw similarities from these materials into a more comprehensive set of guidelines on resolving conflicts of jurisdiction and primacy.

These Guidelines are drawn from the international legal framework, consultations with senior prosecutors, regional and bilateral guidelines as well as notable case law, and were prepared principally by Danya Chaikel, lawyer and IAP consultant, and Elizabeth Howe, General Counsel for the IAP There has also been extensive consultation both within and outside the IAP membership.