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Final Call for Speakers - Annual Conference


Reminder – Final Call for Speakers for the 29th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the IAP – Closing date 10 May.

The 29th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the IAP will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 29 September – 02 October 2024.  The theme of the conference is The Role of the Prosecutor in Upholding the Rule of Law.
This is a reminder to all members that the Call for Speakers for the conference closes this Friday, 10 May.  The IAP is inviting proposals from all IAP members who are interested in giving a presentation during the plenary sessions and workshops of the conference to submit an abstract for consideration for inclusion in the programme by the Professional Programme Committee.  Please note that you must submit a proposal if you are interested in speaking at the event.
Please find full details of the plenary sessions and workshops on the IAP website at https://www.iap-association.org/News/Call-for-speakers-for-the-29th-Annual-Conference-a
Please also note the guidance on how to submit an abstract and details about what must be included in your submission on page 2 of the Call for Speakers which can be accessed via the hyperlink on the website page. 
The deadline for submissions is Friday 10 May 2024.